Complete Shop For Sale Awesome!!!

United States

I have a complete embroidery set-up for somebody who is looking to get into it or wants to expand there existing business. This shop was created almost 4 years ago and has grown every year. There is a TON TON TON of things with this shop and i hope to be able to list everything.
1-a husqvarna viking designer 1 embroidery machine
2-a husqvarna viking designer 1 embroidery machine
( yes 2 of them)
3-a Ricoma 15 needle commercial embroidery machine only used to do 25 patches that is all purchased in summer 2008 (tons of things with it i will try and list below)
4-a singer curvy sewing machine never used brand new purchased in august 2008
2 trunks full of stabilizer of all kinds
1 big tote full of embroidery thread
1 sewing cabinet with the fold out arm
1 L shaped sewing center to house #1,#2 and #3
1 trunk full of fabric
1 trunk full of pillow inserts
3 huge totes of youth shirts
4 totes of adult shirts
1 tote of adult sweatshirts and hoodies
1 file cabinet
13 storage containers already filled with supplies not mentioned above
1 hp laptop and all the software is already loaded on it and will remain on the laptop

client list which is long and alot of repeat customers
website which you can go look at is
over 200,000 designs and also custom designs for the clients
tons of software, digitizing software, 3d embroidery studio with dongle, scissors, tons of needles,
this shop is up and fully running and everything comes with it. Due to health reason is the reason i am selling it. I started this company from ground zero and built it up. I have machine #2 in the shop now getting serviced and machine #1 will be heading there as well before it goes out the door.
The machines come with all the instructions, manuals, cd's, cases and all the feet and extra's that is there.
I would like buyer to arrange for pick-up but if you need it all shipped you would be responsible for all shipping charges and they would be actual shipping charges.
This complete shop has a present value of over $90,000 and selling it for $70,000 O.B.O plus shipping if not picked up.

Please email me at and put shop in the subject line
FOLKS this shop needs to go as soon as possible!!!!!!!


There are 5 Comments

Where are you located geographically and would you consider selling part of the business. I don't have room for all the machines (unless we start sleeping in the barn) but am interested in the 15 needle embroidery machine. And What is A Curvy Singer?? Thanks.

Aunt Linna i sent you a email on the 15 needle and yes i would consider selling part of the business...

the curvy singer basically the good feature is it threads very simply and it has the automatic threader into the needle....