2019 Workhorse Sabres 6/8

inksolman's picture
Miami, FL, United States

2019 Sabre presses for sale. 6 color 8 station. 4 presses all working great still in production. Sabre quartz Flashes available to purchase. $16,000 each
email me with questions. inksolman@gmail.com

There are 12 Comments

I'm looking for a couple of those Sabres if they are all electric servo indexers and electric servo printheads. Are these all electric or do they have air printheads.

inksolman's picture

thorntonec@charter.net wrote:
I'm looking for a couple of those Sabres if they are all electric servo indexers and electric servo printheads. Are these all electric or do they have air printheads.

These are all servo with AC heads.

inksolman's picture

Impression count...
Mach #1 has 1,879,860
Mach #2 has 1,108,123
Mach #3 has 796,032
Mach #4 has 289,171
All still available, each come with one quartz flash.