By jteague on
Nov. 22, 2008
Has anyone here opened an ebay store before? Is it worth it? How big of a hassle is it? I have some inventory I would like to get rid of and thought this may be an idea. Any info is greatly appreciated?:) :)
Re: ebay store
I've done an ebay store once, quite some time ago, and I found it to be a lot of hassle, I didn't have a lot of stuff though, I found it easier just to put things on at auction the good ol' fashion way. I have friends with ebay stores that make a killing, but it seems like it is only good if you are going to dedicate your entire self to just that, cause it is A LOT of work. If you don't have that much, and don't intend to keep it running for any length of time, I'd say just stick with auctions.
That probably wasn't much of a help, but perhaps something for you to think about. :)