M & R Eco-Tex & Eco Rinse

Encinitas, CA, United States

M & R Eco-Tex & Eco Rinse
The year for both 2018

Dave McLain
Screen Printing Products Inc.
Brian - 619-818-6117

Eco-Tex - 3 Modules (the big one)
The Eco-Tex™ Modular provides the ideal solution for screen printing companies that want to automate the screen cleaning and reclaiming process while increasing productivity and saving on labor and chemicals.
The first module applies ink removal chemistry, allowing drip-off time for chemical recirculation. The second module applies emulsion remover to soften the emulsion. The third module power-washes the screens removing the emulsion. The final stop is a backlit inspection station allowing operators to inspect screens clearly before they go back into circulation.

Direct M & R Link : https://www.mrprint.com/equipment/eco-tex-modular-automatic-screen-cleaning-and-reclaiming-system

Automates and simplifies one of the least desirable aspects of the screen printing process
Recirculates rinse water to reduce environmental impact and lower operating costs
Eco-Rinse processes screens quickly, cutting per-screen labor costs by up to half

Direct M & R Link: https://www.mrprint.com/equipment/eco-rinse-automatic-screen-rinsing-system

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