Phillipsburg, KS, United States
Explanation of WHY we are Selling the Screen Printing Equipment:
We have had to move our business location for the third time in 3 years due to the owners selling the buildings we were renting. We live in a pretty small town and the options of buildings to rent are very few. This last move we have made just this month, we had to make the hard decision to sell the Screen Printing Operation due to space limitations. We just don't have room for it all. It does require a good deal of space. A separate dark room would work the best. Everything is in good operating order. We even have extras of a lot of things, such as a second exposure unit... not as nice.
If you bought all of this brand new you would be spending upwards of $24K to get setup like this.
All Major pieces purchased through Ryonet (now known as
• Riley Hopkins Screen Printing Press, 8 Color 6 station, includes micro registration knobs
• 2x8 Conveyor Dryer - EconoCure 6100 - includes a Black Body Heat Control Unit to help regulate the heat
• Large X-Vactor Ryonet Exposure Unit (with LED bulbs and a vacuum)
• Forced Air Drying Cabinet - 10 Screen Capacity - comparable to the Baselayr Drying Cabinet by Ryonet
• Riley Hopkins Half Stack Screen Rack with inset top and roller wheels (10 screen unit)
• S-Green 48" Washout Booth Backlit (set up with drain pipe into the included S-Green filtration system)
• Sgreen® Washout Booth Filtration System: designed to remove harmful waste solids from the screen cleaning process while protecting your plumbing and the environment from harmful byproducts. Does need new filters.
• Spot Cleaning Station with spot cleaning sprayer - Super strong vacuum removes fumes and cleaning fluid odors from the work area while drying the fabric in seconds.
Other Included Items:
• 25x36 Exposure Unit w/Pre-registration board, sitting on a hand built table made for making screens. We mostly used this unit to line up our films onto the screens using the registration board. As well as applying emulsion to the screens.
• Emulsion applicators and emulsion
• Dark Room Lights with protective covers - also have extra protective covers
• Dehumidifier
• Plastic Aprons from U-Line
• 11 Platens - Including regular sized as well as Large platens as seen in pictures, Leg/Arm Platen, koozie platen
• The Ultimate Clean-Up-Cards - these work great for cleaning (saving) ink off the screens, and can be used to dip ink out of the containers. Also screen tape and applicators
• 32" White Plastic Washout Booth - (also set up with drain pipe into the included S-Green filtration system)
• 16x16 Flash Dryer - still works but looks a little tired :)
• Easiway Dip Tank - Holds up to 3 screens at a time, includes a screen hold-down bar to keep screens submerged in the solution while soaking, an in-tank drip ledge to eliminate wasted chemical drag out
• Additional Spot Cleaning Gun
• Heat Gun for checking temperature of the ink
• Scale for measuring out ink
• 2 Squeegee holders, 28 misc. squeegees
• 2 hand made screen racks - holds 26 screens each
• 100 PLUS assorted screens (some have rips along the edges and would need mesh reapplied to them - we never have because we have so many screens it didn't matter much)
• LOTS of ink - shelf in picture is not included
• Various cleaners and some ink mixing containers
Some things you will need to purchase:
• Pressure Washer to clean out the screens (can wash out screens using an ordinary garden sprayer) We have found that the pressure washers don't hold up very long and they CAN knock out emulsion that you want to stay on the screen. So use a pressure washer with care.
• A printer to print the films. We purchased and use an Epson T3270 Printer, however we have decided to keep this because it prints in full color and we can use it for various other projects/items we make and sell.
• Software for creating and printing films.
We use Adobe Illustrator to design our prints, then we run it through AccuRIP to print. However we can not transfer our license to you as it is the companies rule. As well, we no longer have the newest version of this software. We have found them pretty hard to deal with when having print issues. They make you pay a yearly fee now and we never signed up for that. The newest version is the Emerald version and the cost is $199 per year. They also have upgraded levels which cost more but there are advantages to this, with getting all new updates as well as US Support.
Another option to this would be to purchase the following printer & software from Ryonet - The Canon Pixma ix6820 Film Output Printer Package w/ FilmMaker v10 DTP+ Software (13x19) - $999.95 I don't know much about this software but I am pretty sure the company will help you. I have lots of confidence in the people at Ryonet!
We are willing to train anyone how to operate all equipment (if you are close enough to where we live). We will also be available to answer any questions via phone after the sale.
Please get in contact if you are interested or have any questions.
Thank you!
Sherry Gillihan