Screen Printing and More February Equipment List

MA, United States

Thornton Equipment Co. Email:
413-536-2480 Website Link:
We List Our Equipment on Screen Print Exchange and The Shirt Board Classified Boards

Screen Printing
~ROQ ECO 14 arm Auto Press autPRSS-ECOP14C12L-3P5-L2 ROQ Eco L, 12 Color, 14 Station, 5x3p, PC-Ports, 2 Lasers

(2) FLASH-EVO12100L-3P ROQDry Evolution 12100 L Quartz Flash 16×20 Smart Probe, 3P

DRYER-BBC-AIR546C-4-2Aeolus Conveyor Dryer

SAATI-COATER-PC2536 Saati Pro-Coat Pneumatic Dual Screen Auto Coater (25×36 or smaller)

INPRO-TC-110-3ECO-UL INPRO Tigerclean TC110-3eco

Shulz MSW-60Max Compressor

Sgreen DREQ-SGREENWASH24X48 Washout Booth

Screens, Platens, Flood Bars, Squeegies, Ink, Chemicals, Emulsion, etc…..

Can be Sold as a Package or Individually, Located in NJ
~M&R Diamondback Automatic 8 Color, 10 Station- 2010, Comes with RENO HW Flash, full set of Adult Pallets, Youth Pallets, Sleeve Pallets, & 20 Squeegee and Flood-bars. Machine is well maintained and in perfect working condition. Located in MD....$18,500.00

~Anatol All Electric Volt M 5 Color, 6 Station Automatic Press w/ Heads Up Option (VOLT‐M‐6/5‐HDUP)-16”x18” Max Print Area, 23”x33” Max Screen Size 16”x22” Standard Pallet Size, 9’8” Press Diameter, Boom Touchscreen Support, Electrical specs: 3 phase 208/230v, 50/60 Hz, 12A Anatol 16”x18” Rapid Wave Quartz Flash Cure w/ Temperature Sensor (RWQF‐1618‐SEN)-Electrical specs: 3 phase, 17,500 Watts, 33A,Three phase electric. One year old. 125K Impressions. No Compressor Needed. Runs great. This is All Electric, no air. Located in PA....The price has dropped to ....Reduced to....$30,000.00

~Anatol Volt 8 Color, 10 Station Press- 2018, Comes with Flash, Squeegees and Flood bars. Only 255,000 Impressions, Located in WI….. $39,000.00

~M&R Sprint Gas Dryer- 2006, 48" Belt, 8' Infeed, 8' Outfeed, 8' Heat. New belt still in box never installed. Located in NY.....$4500.00

~Lawson Mini Trooper PC- comes with Quartz Shuttle Flash, 2010, Six plate/4 color. That machine will run 23 X 31 or 20 X 24, we use both sizes. Head one prints, head two is a flash space-Lawson Shuttle flash (included of course) Heads 3-4-5 all print. Platen size is 16″ wide, 18″long. Also comes with a set of sleeve boards. It is really nice if a small foot print is needed. Located in IA… $6900.00

~M&R Fusion 60" Electric Dryer- 2022, 60" Belt width with 6th Radiant Panel, 42" Infeed, 10' Heat Chamber, 30" Outfeed, 208/230 V 3Phase, 109/119 A 50/60 Hz, 39 kW, Located in FL

~Kornit Storm HD6-70-MACH-9450-2019, Comes with 2 adult standards, 1 ladies, 1 youth, 1 zipper hoodie, and 1 universal pallet. Adelco Dryer – ET75E-3- 2018, 3 Phase. Price for both $32,000. Each machine can be purchased separately. Located in GA

~Also Available: Incupkcups ICN-150, 2 Color Pad Printer, Location FL Check it out of our Website. Call or Email for Information, Price and Pictures.

~2) M&R Flashes- 1} 22 x 24 Cayenne D... $1800.00 1} 22 x 18 Cayenne... $1300.00, 3 Phase, Located in MA Crating for each $200.00

~George Knight Dual Shuttle 44 x 64 Large Format Heat Press- 2015, Air Operated, 220 V, Located in CT...$11,000.00 Call or Email for Information and Photos. Check out more Maxi Heat Presses on our Website at this Link:

~Newman Roller Master Stretching Table 53 X 63- Located in VT

~Brother GTX Pro B DTG- Can also be used as a DTF, 2) Available, Located in TX....$7500.00

Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton
Cell 413-536-2480 or Office 413-536-1747

We Specialize in Selling New and Used Equipment, Embroidery Equipment Screen Print Presses, Conveyor Dryers, Digital Printers, Computer to Screen, Direct to Film, Signs and Banners, Graphic Equipment, Pre-Press, Folders-Bagger-Sealers, Heat Presses, Pad Printers, Quartz Flash Units. We have been in business for over 35 years. We can set you up with your equipment needs.

Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton