I have an Anajet printer for sale...It was only used for one month until I had to send it back to Anajet and they completely refurbished it with a new print head, ink lines, dampers and waste pads. So it is still in its original packaging, unopened box, practically brand new and with about 8-9 months left on the warranty. I am asking $12,400 which includes shipping or $12,200 if you would pick up. (I'm near Pittsburgh). Included in the price are 8 BRAND NEW ink carts (2 each of CMYK) and Multirip GP rip software which will let you print with white ink if you want.- you will just need to put in 4 white ink carts and your all set.
Here is the story on why I am selling it:
I had 2 tjets for almost 4 years and going into this holiday season, knew I needed a new faster printer to keep up with demand. I bought an anajet in mid November and was printing great with it- about 60-70 shirts a day...but then I got some faulty ink cartridges which had messed up tabs on them) -the bad tabs did not set off the ink out sensor so I printed a bunch of shirts with no ink coming out-(I use dual cmyk so although the yellow was bone dry in one channel it was printing fine in the other, so I could not tell it was out right away) after a while I realized it did not look right and discovered the problem, but all that printing with a starving head messed up my printhead. Anajet said they had a bad batch of ink cartridge tabs which have been fixed but it was too late for me. So they are fixing it up like new again, but I had to ship it back to them...
So a had to buy a new printer to use for the last 2 weeks on December which was my busiest time of the year and Brother was 12 hrs from me -I called them and had one here in 2 days which I use now.
I love the Brother, but the Anajet prints looked better and prints better quality (higher resolution), but the Anajet needs more maintenance so its a trade off- both are way faster than the tjets and print shirts in about a minute.
I got the anajet originally because I thought I might eventually want to do dark shirts and I could easily just do that with the anajet (and the closed ink cartridges are WAY WAY simpler than a bulk system like the tjets and if I was going to use white ink, I would only attempt it with a closed system, and also because I thought I might like to take it on the road to shows and it is very portable- only 70 lbs...
The Brother can never print dark shirts and is about 220 lbs- its not going anywhere...
But I am keeping the brother as I think it will be too hard to ship anywhere and its a tank -I have only had it a few weeks but it seems rock solid and dependable which is what I need- I do not care about printing on dark shirts and I can live without going on the road...I am hoping as I tinker with the settings I can get the prints to look as good as the anajets do.
SO ANYWAY, teh Anajet is 100% checked out and refurbished by ANajet and STILL IN THE BOX- I will not even open the box or remove it from its palet. I will ship it right to you in its original packaging.
(I Paid $15,195 plus another $900 for MULTIRP GP which is included- it is a much better rip than the Anajet RIP and is used by many anajet and HM1 users)... Let me know if you are interested and/or if you have any other questions.
When it was printing it was awesome-very fast and incredible looking prints.
Vince Strangio
There are 13 Comments
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
I have an anajet if you r interested
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
Hi, is the printer still available?
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
I have an Anajet that was totally refurbished by Anajet. It was still under warranty and I will extend it until Jan of next year. Paid $17000 for it but willing to take $13k. Even leave it on the original pallet from Anajet unboxed.
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
OK, now asking $11,400 or bo
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
I am interested in the anajet. Are you sure the warranty will apply?
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
Sorry, it is sold.
Thank you
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
This was sold 2 1/2 years ago - Vince
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
I have an anajet.. Just had it refurbished at the ajajet office in Los Angeles. No ink in the lines. Bought this machine hoping for lots of tshirt sales... but we do embroidery and bling, and haven't used it for only about 100 shirts... call me 619 440-0596 San Diego, area. Bought new for $17,000. asking $9.500.00
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
asking $9,500. bought new $17,000.
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
is your anajet still available? if so, is it a sprint?
Re: ANAJET - Like new- STILL IN BOX w/Warranty- $12,200
I have an Anajet Sprint Printer for sale. I have just received the machine back from Anajet and they refurbished it with a new chip because it couldn’t troubleshoot over phone. I’ve done about 400 prints, it’s a great t-shirt printer with high quality, full color, takes closed ink cartridges and fast printing. I have it in an unopened box it’s original packaging with new ink lines, dampers and about 5-6 months left on the warranty. I paid $17,000, I still have used ink left and $138 credit balance that can go towards ink. It’s $900 to extend the warranty.
I am going to upgrade my equipment now that I have enough money so this machine would be no longer be needed because I don’t have any employees yet. This will include Pretreatment Liquid, AnaPrint Driver CD, RIP Software CD, Printer Operational Manual, Training DVD, USB Cable, Power Cord, Pocket Print Adapter and Wagner Pretreatment Sprayer. I've also purchased the Dakota Graphics Pack and AnaJet Graphics Pack which is about $300 value and still have one training at Anajet University left, I’ve just learned how to operate after having my partner who went to training to train me.
Everything is in perfect condition. If interested please call my company 301.932.4535 or my direct 301.281.3727. Cody
Machine is in box, contact me for more infomation.