Another question from Nebraska

Worn Id's picture

I have a question for anyone who might know about the newer barudan machines.

As I mentioned in an earlier thread we are going to be getting a Ellite Pro II
Does anyone know how easy it is (or isn't) to change out from the flat surface to a cap??
Right now, I have an older model and it is possible to do , but time consuming and not very functional. We want to get the machine before our local Home Show, because we would like to do hats on site as a give-away!

Any info would be very helpful.



Worn Id's picture

Ok, so then it is a bit time consuming to switch? If we set it up for caps, we will probablyleave it that way for the day. Still not sure. We actually might wait on the machine now (groan) because we want to see one when we go to DAX next month and compare it to a couple other models. Thanks for the info and have a good day!! :)


Worn Id wrote:
I have a question for anyone who might know about the newer barudan machines.

As I mentioned in an earlier thread we are going to be getting a Ellite Pro II
Does anyone know how easy it is (or isn't) to change out from the flat surface to a cap??
Right now, I have an older model and it is possible to do , but time consuming and not very functional. We want to get the machine before our local Home Show, because we would like to do hats on site as a give-away!

Any info would be very helpful.


for me a tech barudan make the best machines on the market, mechanically very strong, quiet and simple, i would always lean towards this machine for many reasons, and changing from hats to flats is fast.