Ihave the following equipment for sale
1. Kornit 931 (2) station
2.Interchange MD8 gas dryer with 24 foot chamber
3. Computer and onyx software and additional art and software support for above equipment
4. Freedom 8 station 6 color press with 2 flash units
5. Power House electric dryer
6. Miscellaneous screens and inks
7. Dayton upright air compressor
8.Hankinson air dryer for compressor
9. Pressure Washer
10. Wash Basin
10. Avaya XT Embroidery Machines Quantity of (4)
11. Computer and software to support Avays
12.Office Computer
13. Copier for Vellums
14. Small Stock T-Shirts Hats Etc.
15. Photo Sharp Exposure unit
******* All Equipment is 2 Years Old Make Offer Contact Allan Barwick
Phone 704-507-0986
E- Mail atlanticbdesigns@aol.com