Southwest Dryer Trade (we need a smaller one)

United States

Our shop in Houston, has a m&r eliminator gas dryer.

We were supposed to move this summer into a shop that could handle it (meaning a three phase building with gas), but we ended up not moving.

However now we need to get rid of it.

We are looking for any shops that'd be willing to buy this big guy, and trade us a smaller dryer for partial payment. We are looking for a 10-13ft chamber.

email me for pictures! looking to do this in the next week!

Here are some dryer specs:

Model Eliminator 48"
Single Belt
Straight thru
Age 1993
Length: 20' (End to end)
Width: 77" (Widest Point)
Infeed: 95" (With 47" extension)
Outfeed 5'
Belt width: 5'
Heat Chamber 10'
Digital Temp Control
Weight: 6500lbs
Production Level: 60dz hr

Also it has a brand new belt.