Trade Tajima 4 Head and Single head for T-Jet Blazer Pro!

United States

[B]I am selling two embroidery machines but would be willing to trade one or both for a T-Jet Blazer Pro , FlexiJet, NeoJet or other larger format high quality DTG printer. I would like a machine to print around 16 x45 maximum area and print at least 3 shirts per run. Please email me with what equipment and supplies you have and your offer.

Here is a description of the machines.

2001 Tajima TMEX-C1501 Single Head 15 color Machine. We bought this machine new and has been taken very good care of. Has only been used as a sampling machine. Tajima is the best machine on the market. Comes with an assortment of flat hoops and hat hoops. Most this age are selling for $8,500. I will sell for $7,400. Located in St. George, Utah about 90 minutes North of Las Vegas on I-80.

I am also selling a TMFXII-C1204 4 Head 12 color Machine (I think the year is a 1999). This was our original first machine and has been a trooper. Runs great. Maintenance has been kept up its entire life. Run out of room for this machine since we added a new 12 head. Used prices are ranging from $16,999 to $21,995. Will sacrifice for $15,750.

I have pics if needed. Please email with any quesitions or call (435) 817-5506. Email address is Website is[/B]

There are 6 Comments

I am not that familiar with Flexijet. How long have they been around? Can you print multiple garments in the same pass as the T-Jet? I really want to get a T-Jet Blazer Pro due to the fact that it does all over prints and can print 3 at a time.

xgraphix wrote:
I am not that familiar with Flexijet. How long have they been around? Can you print multiple garments in the same pass as the T-Jet? I really want to get a T-Jet Blazer Pro due to the fact that it does all over prints and can print 3 at a time.

Actually the Flexijet can print 4 at a time, Its been around for two years and is probably the most successful DTG for the price. The only other printer that is more robust is the Kornit which sells for $100000.00 plus as I understand it.
The flexijet is called that because it prints on multi substrate such as golf balls, stretched canvas,, skateboards, since the printer can print on things upto 3.5" in height, you imagine it, you can do it. But I sound like a salesman dont I?
Its based on the Epson 4800 series printer and some say the Tjet people actually copied it.
I havent seen such vibrant prints on dark shirts either from the Tjet.
Check it out all over ht Internet.

I found your post trying to sell your L model, I assume this is the same machine? How many prints do you think you have ran? Does Flex-jet have some kind of auto feature to keep inks from drying up? I heard that the biggest problem with DTG printers is that inks dry up and I heard that T-jet uses some auto feature to keep them from plugging up. I looked up the Flexi-Jet and it does look as though most people are happy with their machines. If we did this would it come with the items you listed in your post? I would be very interested in trading out the 4 head since value wise we are talking about the same trade dollar amount.

Please call me at (435) 817-5506.


Heath Burchinal

Nick, Keep me posted when things come up. Yes I am really wanting to get into the DTG industry fast but I really need to either sell my machines first or trade whatever happens first. I changed my ad to say any large format DTG is considered. I have done some research on T-Jet and also Flexi-jet and they both seem to have good machines. My main goal is to have a large format DTG printer that I can print several at a time.

I would also be willing to do a smaller trade of my single head for a smaller DTG as well. As long as the values seem to be comparable. At least a smaller DTG can get the ball rolling for me.

