Oce TCS 500 Color Print, Copy and Scan System -7000$
Large format plotter and scanner. Plotter with 2 media slots. Asset contains three parts: Plotter that prints, Scanner that can scan or copy with plotter, and Computer that operates both pieces of equipment. This system has been tested and found to be in excellent working condition.
The controls are responsive and are easy to adjust. The display is bright and easy to read. Comes with Oce software and manuals, calibration pages, all power cords, maintenance kit, magenta printhead X2, Cyan printhead X2, yellow printhead, Yellow, magenta print tanks and 2 cyan print tank, 36" plain paper X4, 24 photo paper mateX2, 36" glossy photo paper, 36" all photo paper mate ( see picture, what you see its what you get). To see a demo print please click on shortcut below: