FOR SALE: M&R Radicure Dryer - 10’ heating chamber - 30' Long - 3' wide belt - 3 phas

Loves Park United States

It's a production shop's best friend for large-capacity drying, yet easy on the electric bill. Everything works great, I just stopped in-house production, and as you can see it spans the width of my shop. I no longer need it so I'm willing to let it go.

With a 10' heating chamber and a 30' long belt, you can run 2-3 presses/jobs on here at the same time, and know this dryer will keep you profitable and efficient.

$9,000 - OR Best Offer will be considered:eek:

We are based an hour west of Chicago and it is currently assembled in 1 piece and working if you want to see it in action.

You will be responsible for moving it, and we will help you break it down after purchasing it.

A full manual is also included.