Dear all,
I can offer you the following schedule of equipment from a screen printer's here in the UK. Please let me know if anything is of interest. I will require valuations/offers, as we are in the early stages of remarketing.
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Best regards from the UK
Tom Casey - DPM
+44 1959 569 900
Pictures and further info available on request:
2006 Stock A-134R/1650 x 2050 P Sheet Laminator
2006 Rotek 2000 SPV with exta-large Platform Blower & Vibration
2001 Svecia Automatic SAW 380 Wash in Line
2001 Xerox Docucolor 2060 Digital printer
2001 Morgana Powercutter 55 Guillotine
2001 Magel M2 Booklet maker
2001 Morgana Autocreaser
2001 SIAS Multiformula (2-colour) 165x255 with sheet stacker
2002 Inca Eagle 44 System
2003 Luscher Jetscreen with 1 off Natgraph metal Halide light source and Natgraph 8-channel memory digital readout light integrator
2004 Chim92 (M4) Screen Cleaning machine
2001 Scitex Pressjet Printing System
1998 Svecia SAMx4 line compriing 4 print units, auto sheet feeder and UV unit
2003 Svecia SAMx5 line comprising Auto sheet feeder, 5x print units, int'mediate flash UV station & 2-lamp final cure UV end dryer, Autopile stacker type B
2001 Luscher JetScreen