Screen printing shop for sale, Anaheim CA

United States

Revenue : $500.000
Net : $120
Asking : $200.000

This is a 14 month old business; by the grace of God we built a clientele of 1100 clients, yes, that is eleven hundred clients in 14 months most of them are med size companies, schools, restaurants, etc the good news is…. these clients are not going anywhere…. We do the artwork for free but we never give them the original files.

Our clients are nationwide with very few walk-ins, most of the business is through credit card and digital proofing but still it would be expensive to relocate the shop to another state as the equipment is very heavy - two automatic presses, one manual press, ovens, flash dryers, Newman roller frames, air compressors, air chiller, stretching table, pin registration system, rip software, Epson, drying cabinets, exposure unit computers, furniture and much much more.

Future outlook & improvements:

We started this business during the recession and it is a great success, you can only imagine how much the profit will be when the economy recovers.
We get asked everyday (maybe 10 times) about embroidery; add embroidery and you might double your business
Advertise locally, less than 5% of our clients are local, some flyers or visits to the local businesses will help you overall.

The location is split between the front office and the shop, the front office area has a very nice manager’s office with a cherry wood desk and cabinets, also has a nice reception area with a wooden desk, and the graphic designer office. After that you will find the big door that takes you into the shop


This is a new business (14 month old) and you will not be able to get a business loan from the bank so if you don’t have the money in cash or personal loan please don’t contact us, we will qualify any buyer before anything.