I'm selling my screen printing equipment to upgrade to a larger automatic press. Let me know if you're interested, here's the equipment:
Screen printing press: http://www.vastex.com/products/Presses/V-1000/v1000.php
Dryer: http://www.vastex.com/products/InfraredDryers/driboxII.php
Flash: http://www.vastex.com/products/FlashCure/fflash.php
Exposing Unit: http://www.vastex.com/products/ExposingUnits/e1000.php
I bought the above for $7,000. You can have it for $5,000. It's 6 months old and if you want I can give you the screens and all the supplies/ink for $250.
You should be able to make your investment back in 3-6 months.
You can call/text me at 703.622.8890. *Serious offers only*