Been in the industry for 34 years now - Had a large supply company up until 6 years ago - Sold the SPR - dealt with all the industry leaders - M & R - Rutland - Easiway - Murikami etc.
Now presently re-establishing ourselves as one of the leaders in dealing with Used Screen Print Equipment - primarily M & R.
We were a large M & R Dealer for many years - so we understand this equipment & know how to deal with it - connected with technicians all over the country - which is probably the most important thing in dealing with used equipment - having local representation - We are also one of the few companies that warranties our equipment.
Used Equipment Blog Site:
Now with 34 years of experience we are tracking back into the supply business dealing with large volume & big savings - visit our web site which is still very much in the development stage:
Contact :
Dave 415-895-1507
Brian 619-818-6117