Single Head Brothers Embroidery Machine

United States

Brothers Electronic Embroidery Machine BE 1201B-AC
Single Head Machine - 12 needles

Machine comes with

2- 7" Round Hoops
2 - 10" Round Hoops
2 - 13" Round Hoops
2 - 16" Round Hoops
2 - 230 x 240mm Hoops
2 - 300 x 280mm Hoops
2 - 480 x 300mm Hoops
1 - 10" Hoop Master
1 - 13" Hoop Master
2 - EMS/Hoops Tech (2 sizes)
2 - Hat Hoops
100 Spools of Threads, some new, most partly, used

Machine is in excellent condition and comes with manuals.We bought the machine as a small side business, but ended up using it for mostly personal projects. Interested buyers can make an appointment to test the machine out we are in Bangor, Maine.

$10,000 or Best Offer

e-mail us for more info at jellybeanbragg at hotmail dot com.