Toyota single heads - more info

United States

Here is some more detail regarding the Toyota single heads I have for sale:

Toyota Expert 820 Toyota Expert 830
6 needle, single head 9 needle, single head
AMC 420 cap driver AMC 430 cap driver
instruction manual instruction manual
service manual service manual
parts catalogue parts catalogue
power pak power pak
cap frames - 3 cap frames - 3
cap mount - 1 cap mount - 1
large jacket back - 2 large jacket back - 1
rectangle (24/30) - 1 rectangle (24/30) - 2
round 250 - 3 round 240 - 1
round 200 - 1 square 225 - 1
round 150 - 5 (3 magnetic) round 150 - 4 (2 magnetic)
round 120 - 4 (magnetic) round 120 - 3 (magnetic)
oval (12/24/) - 1 round 90 - 1 (magnetic)
round 70 - 1 (magnetic)
sleeve - 1
rectangle (24/30) - 1

I have two of each machine with approximately the same number of hoops etc. All machines are in good working order and have been oiled and serviced regularly.

I own an embroidery, screenprinting and sign making shop and we have recently purchased two new Tajima Neo machines, which is the reason we are selling these. These machines are true work horses - I have spoken to several people with newer models of Toyota machines and they say they wish they had never sold their 820's and 830's. Asking $2000 for the 820's and $2500 for the 830's. Located in British Columbia.

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