TRDMRK Montreal

Hello everyone!

We're a bulk screen printer located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We produce ready for retail printed garments. Small or large runs. We have an 11 000 square foot facility that has the ability to produce up 7000 prints a day. We offer up to 4 colour AOP prints, we also have a 20 colour machine and a 14 colour unit as well. We love what we do, we use quality inks. We're Always able to provide low heavy metal certificate for goods that need to be shipped across the border. We work with great brokers & logistics companies. A variety of quality blanks, Altsyle, Optima, etc. Specialty finishes; foil, water base, soft hand, etc are all available. We can produce pre production samples within 24 hours, up to 14 colours. Our shirts always pass required lab testing for the big retail stores. We work with different finishers so any of your packaging needs can be achieved for your printed goods(fineline tags, folded, bagged, ect.) Like I said, we love what we do, our website is & we're always trying to better ourselves.

Thank you for taking a look!