USED: Thunder 6 Station / 6 Color Premium Grade Manual Press for sale!
Price: $2,000 / best offer (buyer handles shipping)
The Thunder is an industrial-grade manual press designed to handle high-demand printing while minimizing wear and tear on the user. The most durable manual press on the market, the Thunder is an excellent addition as a sampling or production press. It has the same pallet arm and carousel design as the Anatol automatic textile presses. The dual bearing system provides easy movement throughout the day.
The Thunder has the same pallet arm and carousel design as their larger automatic screen printing machines. The Thunder manual press is easy to set up and simple to use. Both carousels have a top and bottom bearing to give you easy movement through out the day. Those looking to increase production in their shop should consider an automatic entry level screen printing machine.
Optimal Manual Press Performance
- 3-Point micro-registration
- Rubber coated aluminum pallet
- "All Heads Down" feature
- Side screen clamps