What is ScreenPrinting Products About

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ScreenPrinting Products Inc.

We feel that ScreenPrinting Products sells more Used M & R & now [B]Roq Machines[/B] for the Used Market - & we support them with Warranties & assist on having the machine installed by certified techs

Machines we presently have - YouTube Video:

M & R Sprint 3000 / with split belts -

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_g0v9HRPxT0 - The Year 2018

M & R Sportsman EX 10 Color 5050 (20 x 20 print size) The Year 2013
low impressions
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wWTv8uoRKhw

M & R Sportsman EX 8 Color
- the year 2011
Low Impressions
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u4GG4jPm7cI

Other machines available (please ask about them)

M & R Sprint 2000
M & R Mini Sprint Gas dryers
M & R Chameleons
M & R Sidewinders 6color / 6 Staions
M & R Sportsman 8 colors - 4 available
Red Chil Flash Cures - usually sold with a press
Roq Machines

But that's not all We do - We also sell New Equipment (see Below)

New Direct-to-Screens System - ScreenPRO 600 / w Exposure
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqFealP1HS0

We will not deal in used DTS machine any longer - way too many possible problems - But this ScreenPro 600 is a very economical machine with Great Support! - I recommend you contact us for full details & view this machine in a Zoom Meeting with the main technitian

Direct to Film Systems - https://spsi.com/products/velox-direct-to-film-system

We work very closely with SPS-I - the importer of this machine - They have a full support team that is unsurpassed

Speedy Folder - we import them directly in conjunction with SPS-i
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1zBjplyB8I

Check out the Speedy Fold in Action & real Production - https://youtu.be/a-mbHCu6iXc

ASPE Tag Printers

and Last but not Least - Tag Bot
Ask For the Video on this option to tag printers

So as you can see we do so much more than just Used Certified M & R & Roq Machines

Please feel free to call any of us

David McLain 925-989-6615 - Owner
Brian McLain 619-818-6117 - Sales Mgr.
Nicole Pape - our Roq Specialist - but also knows M & R machines