Whole shop...

United States

I have a ready to go shop for sale...
Most everything is from Ryonet and is less than a year old. Great money maker but I have two company's and need to focus on one.

Little Buddy Dryer 240V 2992W 12.5 Amps w/ heat control
Sign Kit
Additional Inks and supply
Plattens and Dip solution
Screen, tape, ink and clip art dvd
Retentionable screens
Plattens, squeegees, and supply
Blackmax Printer (Epson R1900)
Design software: Corel Draw X3, plus several clipart cd/dvds
6/2 Press, Inks, screens, sofware, flash dryer, exp. unit (All Ryonet)
Drying cabinet
Washout booth
Pressure washer

Total $ 9,000

Additional Details
6 wood 20x24 110 mesh
6 Alum. 20x24 280 mesh
1 Alum. 20x24 200 mesh
1 Alum. 23x31 230 mesh
Roller Frames
12 each 20x23 no mesh
6 each 25x36 no mesh in five

2 ea 16x16 w/neck
Youth 14x14 w/ neck
Infant 10x10 w/ neck
All-over/sign platten 20x26
Ryonet Pocket Pro, for pockets, neck labels, koozies etc...

Several "How to Screen Print" dvds (very helpful)