1000th post... thank you!

Robert Young's picture

have waited.. and thought seriously about what to post for my 1000th... but it all came down to thank yous

thank you to the owner... to the moderators. to the members...

you all have made this a place to share information without all the bullying or negativity. thanks!

don't get me wrong.. I am VERY opinionated... but having done this successfully for 26 years I feel I kinda know what I know. which is why I appreciate this forum for allowing me to speak... you know out of 1000 posts. only ONCE.. .in october of 2008 did I ever talk about my business in a way that could be considered marketing... all of the other posts hopefully have come across as helpfull? helping? answering a question?

Think about it... I ONLY do digitizing... yes I have managed embroidery shops in the past.. 250 heads is the most I have managed... but I also have made over 1,000,000 in one year ONLY digitizing. 14 first place awards in competitions.. ect... Impressions magazine... Stitches... EMB... been there, done that.. written articles been written about. done US ARMY. Medic WEST POINT... YEP... look it up

BUT what is important now?

You are... this industry has changed.. when I started in San Antonio there were 9 embroidery shops listed in the yellow pages (dated I know!) today there are 148 on Yelp! back then they were all large shops.. because the cost to get into the industry was pretty high..NOW the cost of entry has been decimated... so anyone with a kitchen table or spare bedroom is in the game. I think this is GREAT... the problem is no one seems to be helping these people? If we want to survive WE need to help these people.

So here we are 1000 posts. what to do? two things...

1. Open to any questions.. please ask.. If I don't know the answer I will say so.. but I bet I know someone who will know the answer. we will figure out whatever you need. I promise

2. my business partner thinks we should offer 1 free design to everyone. as a thank you. maybe you are a digitizer and just want to see a different take on a design.. maybe you are a table top embroiderer... whatever. any hat or left chest design.. free. period. you can email to designs@volant-tech.com or you can call me directly 210 287 4428 if you like... Our website wants you to enter a cc... which is not cool for a free design or quote.. which is why I have given these other options..

Please dont think of this as advertising.. I am thinking more as educational... for example. I have a client right now.. design is not working for Their client... well one town away we get an order for the SAME design...guess what it was accepted! same digitizing... what is different? the embroiderer... it goes both ways... embroidery , digitizing.. is a marriage.

thank you! seriously.

United States

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
not sure why this post is being taken as a negative BIG HEAD post... I just re read it.. .thank you here , thank you there, free designs, offer for free help...

so the 5th paragraph is all about my accomplishments... that is it 1 paragraph... everything else is thank you and let me help.....

I think this is fantastic. Read several of your posts as I scrolled the board as a new user, especially looking for info on machines, etc. I found 'em all helpful and it's okay to be opinionated as long as you do is "successfully!" :)

I do have a question with respect to your digitizing. Was that an expected path for you - to migrate from embroidering to digitizing? I'm a detailed oriented, visual guy and definitely want to be able to digitize myself. Looking a Wilcom's suites.


Robert Young's picture

proost wrote:

I do have a question with respect to your digitizing. Was that an expected path for you - to migrate from embroidering to digitizing?

Thank you for the kind words.

NO, digitizing was never in my sight. I was hired to run a 12 head Tajima from 11pm to 7 am. I had NO car.. the buses only went as far as our loop 410 that late at night, so I would walk over a mile to the shop....(no snow, I had shoes, lol) First night on the machine I messed up $900 in product! (now who lets a FIRST time operator do that?!?!) just sayin. Actually it was three $300 panels for SAS airlines. so heads 1, 5 and 9 would run their part.. then 2, 6 and 10... etc.. problem was the colors were programmed wrong! (again... how would ANYONE on their FIRST day/night/ be responsible for such a thing?)

So I waited from 7am to 9am to apologize to the owner when he got in.. felt so badly! I knew I was fired, I just wanted to apologize in person to him. He says...You are not fired.. you owe me 900 in service! lol he never took anything from my pay... but 3 months later when his digitizer got a job at Disney and he found out through is secretary that I had military experience he offered me the job! (he was a retired officer from the reserves)

Back then what digitizers did was similar enough to cartooning that it was possible to get a different career path.

SO, I got 3 days training from the outgoing digitizer with a case of beer... On a DIGITRAC! I hit the ground running!

Impossible to misspell a word on that thing as EVERY STITCH was put in by hand! 2 clicks per stitch! one in.... one out! after 80 stitches you would press a button and watch the Melco Superstar sew those.... if you liked it you saved it... and the paper tape would advance those stitches...(facit machine anyone??) if you did NOT like it you deleted and redid those 160 clicks... repeat....NO EDITING.. there was no digitizing software or editing ... heck computers were JUST coming out.

so to answer your question.. no.. totally by accident. be open to opportunities in life ... you never know!

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

not sure why this post is being taken as a negative BIG HEAD post... I just re read it.. .thank you here , thank you there, free designs, offer for free help...

so the 5th paragraph is all about my accomplishments... that is it 1 paragraph... everything else is thank you and let me help.....

Modern Embroidery Designer