By oneshirtpro on
Feb. 08, 2018
United States
2000 12 color M&R Gauntlet Revolver - great shape - currently printing over 700 shirts per hour. Comes with 2 QE flashes and no shirt detector, set of 16" pallets and full set of squeegees and flood bars. Spray adhesive never used in my shop, very clean and well maintained. Only 1.8M impressions - never contract printed on this machine. Original owner. 662-614-0509. This press is a steal and should not last long. Don't wait. Located in Mississippi. Won 1st place full color cmyk printing (light category at the ISS) on this press. Just as tight today as it was then. Asking $35,000.
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Re: 12 color M&R Gauntlet Revolver