Have you ever heard - the lower the price, the lower the quality ?
Its time we prove that the statement is wrong. Digitizers around the world are charging way more than what should be charged. If you are in look for HIGH QUALITY embroidery digitizing services and support, plesae read ahead.
We have been providing quality services to over 600 clients for the last 2 years. Our expertise go way back since our ancestors - nearly 15+ years.
See some testimonials - http://www.cheapdigitizing.com/testimonials.htm
We say no more. If you are a company and have regular outsourced digitizing done. we can give you a free trial of upto 5000 stitches.
$1.50 / 1000 stitches
Yes thats our price. Guranteed low price for exceptionally high quality digitizing services.
Free Edits
All edits/adjustments are done free of cost. (Except major edits).
Free Resizes
All design resizes (downsizes) are done free of cost.
Free file format conversions
Ask for any number of file formats per design. we will deliver them - no questions asked.
Quality Guarantee
If for any reason you are not satisfied with our services, we offer a full refund of your payment. (Conditions Apply)
We are looking forward for anyone on this forum to try our services and post testimonials here for others to see.
For full pricing information: http://www.cheapdigitizing.com/pricing.htm
For some basic samples: http://www.cheapdigitizing.com/samples.htm
To register and start placing orders: https://www.cheapdigitizing.net/
For live help: http://www.cheapdigitizing.com/livesupport.html
:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:
Re: $1.50 Embroidery Digitizing Service
A Cheap Digitizing Service can cost you more then your staff.
There are lots of example i have seeing in my 10 years career.
Matt Conner
Senior Designer
Quality Collection
Re: $1.50 Embroidery Digitizing Service
Did i not mention that you get 5000 stitches FREE on your first order?? Visit our site for more information !!
:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek: