By dzungl on
Oct. 10, 2008
United States
FOR SALE 1990 Tajima TME-HC612 6-needle 12-head
Working in order. Machine located in Sydney Australia
Sale: $5000 AUD
For sale urgent because business is closed.
There are 2 Comments
Re: 1990 Tajima TME-HC612 6-needle 12-head
If interesting please email me
Re: 1990 Tajima TME-HC612 6-needle 12-head
We are an INDIAN Co. intrested in your used 12 head machine.
Pl reply :
1. Is all heads and parts are in good working condition ?
2. What about shippmet to INDIA ? Will you be able to send ?
3. What is embroidary area ?
4. Which software is using to oprate ?