Low print count, hard to find machine. Machine will be ready in 2 weeks pictures will be available Tuesday 9/11/12. This press is well maintained and in very good operating condition. Features are; Air Screen Locks, 1 Omni Uni Flash (Digital temp), Front Micro Registration, Large Print Cylinders, Central Off Contact, Missed Shirt Detector and Digital User Interface with Production Software. Includes 8-16" squeegees and flood bars, 10-16" pallets and 32-squeegee and flood bar clamps. Clean and in operation now and ready for inspection. E-mail me for pictures. $16,900 with 100% warranty at set up for all functions to be in good operating condition. Additional pallets (sleeve, youth), squeegees, flood bars and flashes are available. Disassembly, loading and skidding included. E-mail me for pictures.
There is 1 Comment
Re: 1994 8 color 10 Station Gauntlet Revolver
Sold in the first 12 hours, thanks Digitsmith
Seritech Inc.