This Very Nice Machine is in Excellent condition with top drawer maintenance history (complete log is available and included). This is a 2 owner press that has completely refurbished in the last 4 years. Ball Screw Assembly (servo) is less than a year old and has extremely smooth indexing action, press has Pneumatic Heads & Servo Index. Very Clean and Complete with 12- 16" x 22" M&R Pallets, 10- 16" squeegees & flood bars.
Press Features:
Pneumatic Screen Clamps
Pneumatic Squeegee Locks
Pneumatic Flood Bars
Central Off Contact
Front & Rear Micro
Clockwise or CCW Rotation
Revolver Feature
Missed Shirt Detector
M&R Omni Uni Flash
Ink Dip Feature
Here is a link to YouTube and a video of the press Cycling:
Price is $19,500.00 FOB including a 60 day parts warranty, your inspection is welcomed and suggested.