1997 M&R Gauntlet II 10 color 12 station

Southern, NC, United States

This Very Nice Machine is in Excellent condition with top drawer maintenance history (complete log is available and included). This is a 2 owner press that has completely refurbished in the last 4 years. Ball Screw Assembly (servo) is less than a year old and has extremely smooth indexing action, press has Pneumatic Heads & Servo Index. Very Clean and Complete with 12- 16" x 22" M&R Pallets, 10- 16" squeegees & flood bars.

Press Features:
Pneumatic Screen Clamps
Pneumatic Squeegee Locks
Pneumatic Flood Bars
Central Off Contact
Front & Rear Micro
Clockwise or CCW Rotation
Revolver Feature
Missed Shirt Detector
M&R Omni Uni Flash
Ink Dip Feature

Here is a link to YouTube and a video of the press Cycling: http://youtu.be/RupLa3gEGY4

Price is $19,500.00 FOB including a 60 day parts warranty, your inspection is welcomed and suggested.

Seritech Inc.
