$19,000 This workhorse model machine was delivered by Hirsch, new in November of 1999, and has had two users in a family-owned business. Usage on it has been extremely low. Has had regular certified-technician tune-ups and maintenance. Heads 1 and 2 are equipped with a cording device attachment (optional) used for tacking down cording (satin) as used in western apparel. Each cording device retails for $1,000, but is included in the sale price of this machine. Unisash (unused and in original plastic) is included, along with a dozen each of cap hoops, 12" X 12" jacket-back wooden hoops; 17" X 14" wooden; 15" X 12" plastic; 15 cm - 5.5" diameter left chest plastic; 12 cm - 4.5" diameter plastic - (this size, 2 only). Value of all accessories $9,100.
All manuals and toolbox of tools specific to this equipment included. This six-head embroidery machine is in excellent working condition. Hundreds of 5,000-meter cones of Madeira and Salus thread in all colors.
Hundreds of digitized designs are also available to be sold separately. Contact me with inquiries. Location: 30 miles southwest of Portland, Oregon. Price includes everything except designs.
(425) 283-8341 Michelle
There are 3 Comments
Re: 1999 Tajima TME-DC 1206 for Sale
What is the biggest sewing field your 6-head can sew?
Re: 1999 Tajima TME-DC 1206 for Sale
Roberto, The largest sew field would be with the unisash which is:
LENGTH: 10 Feet
WIDTH: 1 Foot, 1"
Specifically, this is used for banners and continuous stitching of patches.
For jacket backs, the wooden and plastic hoops measure:
LENGTH: 17.5"
WIDTH: 14.5"
as well as 12" X 12"
The wooden ones are used for the heavier Carhart and denim jackets.
Also, runs on 220 V
Hope this helps.
Re: 1999 Tajima TME-DC 1206 for Sale
Additional info: This Tajima is a 6-head / 12-needle machine. Delivered new in December of 1999. I am the original and only owner. Tajima made two models of the 6-head, a DC and an FX ... the DC is the heavier duty machine ... it handles the canvas jackets and heavy fabrics the best of the two models. This model IS the heavy duty model DC 1206.
Call with any questions. Location: 30 miles south west of Portland, Oregon.