2 Head Machines

What is the advantage of buying a two head over two single head machines? Ok, I can think of two reasons. One , they take up less space and Two, they only need programming once. Weighted against that is the price. A two head Tajima or Barudan costs about 30% more than two single heads. So why buy a two head machine??


United States

lol ... Honestly Its gotta be a space issue, because I've noticed this myself.

I have two 2-heads, and I use them for short runs, like under 24 pcs. I find them convenient for sample sew offs if the customer wants 2 pcs, if I am sending a sample to a merchandise team, and they wants 2 (or more) samples sent to different places.

Other than that ... I personally would buy 2 singles myself, cause like you said ... its cheaper, WAY cheaper if you are talking tajima or barudan.

I'm with you on this one, lol


The best 2-heads machine are Happy and ZSK. But ZSK is too expensive.
My friend have Barudan, he work with it only a few weeks and now have many problems.
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

SunEmbroidery's picture

I don't know what the average length of a two head is but the compact single heads deal with the lack of space issue very nicely. I think some of the pro two head thinking relates to an older desire to accumulate larger head machines. For example, someone will start with a two head and then trade that in for a four head and then trade in for something larger. Preferring a two head may somewhat depend on what a shop typically runs. For example, if one operator manages all the small jobs it may be more efficient to watch and mantain several two heads rather than all singles although you can't beat the flexibility that a single head allows.

I run a single head Barudan and need more heads. I have never looked at the size of a two heads ( 2044cm) compared with the single head (75cm.) until your post. It is even an advantage and smaller to go for singles even allowing for the movement of the frames. Barudan also have a networking program for the machines .
Here in Europe a two head runs at 28K€ (40K US) and two singles for 24K€ (34,5K US). How much are they in the US? and why is the two so much more expensive ??
No more thinking about it, single heads it must be.
