2 head vs 4 head

I have an older embroidery machine. I'm looking to upgrade now. Please give me your suggestion on a 2 head vs a 4 head. I'm going Barudan again, but might consider Tajima. Price is fairly high on the 4 head and was wondering if you guys out there get by with a 2 head or do you wish you just got the 4 head. I figure you can get about 64 pieces (typical 5-15K stitch) done in an 8 hour day.....the 4 head should be double that @ 192. Does this sound right to you guys out there. Do you guys find your self growing out of the 2 head fairly fast......Thanks in advance for the advice.

lol ... I'm about 2.5 hours from detroit by airplane.

*sigh* I wish we had autobahns here, instead we are stuck doing 65mph, even 55mph on some highways. :(

I usually trade my used machines back to Barudan. I have a 2005 2 head coming up for retirement, Most of my 4's are newer (2007+) I have a 12 head we're pulling next week. As well as a few 6 heads.

Let me know if you're interested in the 2. I think its scheduled for replacement in Feb. 2011

My machines run 24x7 production, so I trade them in every 5 years, just to keep the machines new, and the tax write off helps too :)

Im about four hours away from Stuttgart , just north of Essen. Thats four hours at 100mph dont forget, we can drive as fast as we like here on the Autobahns. I usually go there or Frankfurt once a year to a trade fair.
Im hoping to come over to Detroit sometime in 2011, maybe I could borrow a bicycle and peddle over and visit you. Its only about 2 inches on the map. Lol...

Hi Eric,
How much would it cost to pop the 2 head in a jiffy bag and send it over here to Germany? I have just received a Christmas card from the States and it only cost 98 cents so it cant be much more..... Or maybe I could come over and bring it back with my carry on luggage. Just a stupid thought..... And no, I havent been drinking, I needed a laugh as Ive just done half a dozen beanie hats and stitched the motiv on upside down....


I run Barudan as well and I am very happy with them. I only have two single head machines and have the same dilema as you. To go for a two head or a four. THis is what I have found out.
The two head costs more than two one head machines, doesnt make sense but that is so. A four head costs about a third less than four single heads.
I am a careful man so I have decided on increasing my machines one at a time. This year a third machine will come on line and next I will part exchange one of the machines for a four head. (Speak to Barudan about that). That is providing my business keeps expanding of course. If not then it will be another single head.
It is not hard to run two machines side by side and I dont think three will be any harder. In fact, it should produce more with three machines than a four head as you can time the running of the machines so when one stops the others keep going.
Just my thoughts I know but that is my business plan...Good luck.


I've done that MANY times. lol
The ones that usually get us though, are the larger fleece blankets, because there is so much material all over that you get sidetracked with just making sure they don't get caught up under, and you end up sewing them together. Done that many times too.

My biggest screw up was for 2 local sports teams, and they are very much rivals, they are the Rockets and the Pirates. well ... we sewed the Rockets jerseys in the Pirates colors and vice versa. So we ended up screwing up 2 jobs at the same time, and then had to replace almost 400 shirts. The teams were not amused, and I was not too happy either.

As far as the 2 head, no problem. I don't think Lufthansa would notice it in the overhead bin? Do you? I'll just carry it along next time I head to Stuttgart. My best friend lives there, I try to visit him at least once a year. Are you far from Stuttgart?

In agreement with Earl here....

I run Barudan also, its tough to justify buying a 2 head when 2 singles are cheaper, and no doubt more versatile. The reason why according to my Barudan rep, (and it does make sense I suppose) is, because there is A LOT more material going into making a 2 head, because they are a beam style machine, (the head is mounted on a horizontal beam over the sew field. VS. an arm style where the head is mounted on an arm that hangs over the sew fiels. It takes a lot more metal to make that huge frame of a 2 head, then just the arms of a single.

However, if you look at the beam style single heads. (The model C01) 2 of those are not cheaper than a 2 head. Its got to do with the frame style and what it takes to manufacture.

Now as far as the 2 vs. 4. It depends on your business, what do you do more of? Onesies & twosies that people come in off the street for? Or does your average order range in the 12+ pcs. range?

I say this because, if you are doing a lot of onesies and twosies, then running 2 pcs, on a 4 head is rather a waste of time/money. You figure, to make the max amount of money, you need to have as many heads running at once as you can. So if you are constantly doing a lot of runs under 12, then in a sense a 4 head is a waste, because then 1/3rd of the time, you will have one or more heads shut down. Where as a 2 head (from a percentrage standpoint) will have more total uptime.

Have you entertained keeping your single, and getting a 2 head? Perhaps a 2 and 2 singles? Machine companies love to deal in bulk, wheel and deal with them. You generally can't get major price breaks on singles, cause most companies have no problems selling them, but try anyway. See if they will cut you a deal on a 2-head and 2 singles, or 2 2-heads?

According to my Barudan rep, 2-heads are the slowest selling machine. He claims they sell more 12 and 15 heads than 2 heads.

Perhaps not the most cost effective but, I love my 2 head machines, they are great for customers that come in off the street and just need a few jackets, or a few caps done for an event or something.

Just my 2 cents on the 2 heads ;)

I never thought about running multiple machines. Maybe a two head, and a single. This would be great because my business gets both one offs and large runs. Or I can keep the single as a cap machine. This price might cost more than my previous 4 head......oh boy decision decisions. I might just pocket up and go for the one purchase 4 head. Seems like the 4 head can keep up with growth yet be cost effective some what now. If I can find a used newer 4 head, that would be ideal. Anyone out there have a 2004 and up barudan 4 head for 25k or so.