2-M&R autos and one Dryer for Sale

Chicago, IL, United States

Liquidating our printing department. All machines run everyday.

2011 M&R Diamondback 8/10 for sale 500k imprints with two Red Chili quartz flashes. Can see it run!

1994 8/10 Gauntlet with two flashes. Can see it run.

1994 Sprint 48" Dryer. Handles both autos and a manuel. Can see it run.

Other miscellaneous items available.

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Anthony J.

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I am interested to buy "2011 M&R Diamondback 8/10 for sale 500k imprints with two Red Chili quartz flashes". Please confirm availability and share some pictures of machine.

Khalid Latif
Global Exports, Karachi, Pakistan.
Ph/WhatsApp# +92 333 8384323

Khalid Latif:)
Global Exports,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Ph/WhatsApp# +92 333 8384323
Email: m.khalidlatif02@gmail.com