By Stitchitintl on
May. 24, 2011
United States
2004 Tajima Neo TEJT-C1501 for sale! $9,500.00 The machine has 270 cap sash, tubular sash, one set of 270 cap frames, five sets of tubular hoops, removable table, and machine stand. I can also incude a Pulse signature software for an additional $1,000.00.
If you would like any additional info please give me a call.
Kyle McMinn
Stitch It International
573-866-3676 Office
573-576-8636 Cell
There is 1 Comment
Re: 2004 Tajima Neo for sale!
This machine has been sold!! Thank you for the interest.
Kyle McMinn
Kyle McMinn
Stitch It International
573-866-3676 Office
573-576-8636 Cell