By silkworm on
Jun. 29, 2010
United States
6 station 5 color only 8 ' diameter * micro adjustments * off contact * double stroke $15,000
Includes 2 Lawson Hot Shot quartz shuttle flash dryers * adjust "in & out" speed and "dwell" time. These units require a compressor which I also have if you need one. It is a Chicago
Pneumatic 5 hp 60 gal rotary air compressor with "air dryer" (very quiet) for $3,500
Jerry @949-830-6588 or
There is 1 Comment
Re: 2005 Lawson Mini-Trooper XL automatic press
HI - Where are you located? I am about to but from Lawson... Would love to save some $$ if you are close and machine is in great condition. Please call me 847 425-3990 tracy