2005 Workhorse Powerhouse Quartz 2608 Conveyor Dryer with Cap Flash Option

United States

2005 Workhorse Powerhouse Quartz 2608 Conveyor Dryer with Cap Flash Option
This is a great conveyor dryer for the home-based or commercial manual shop.
Quartz heat is more reliable and consistent than ceramic heat panels for final curing.
Compact design (24" in, 48" heat, 24" out) takes up about as much floor space as a sheet of plywood.
240V single phase - 40 amp.

Cap flash option - One long quartz tube on side for curing printed caps. ($235.00)
Exhaust fan & platform - Mounts exhaust fan over tunnel exit to evacuate fumes ($400.00)

Price: $2950 obo (Over $5500 if purchased new)

Located in Pleasanton, CA
Crating and shipping available at buyers expense

Pics coming soon

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