2007 Lawson Trooper Express 2 color Automatic Press

United States

Like new condition ready for inspection. Will accept up to 23" x 31" frames. The machine prints full size 1 and 2 color prints. 1 Flash and 1 set adult pallets included. Foot pedal feature is included New $19k will take $5,500.00 FOB MO

Lawson does not give the dz/hour number on the website, I have counted a 4 second cycle time. This is 75/dz. per hour, so at full speed they could print (theoretically) 150dz./hr. (1 color prints) with four operators.

Great machine for printing labels inside shirts or athletic goods.

Reply with your e-mail address for pictures. Lawson has a video of this machine on their website.

Seritech Inc.


There are 12 Comments

The below information was posted on discussion on "How to Improve the Forum" Thanks to "inkman996". After a day on negatives I think it's only fair I get to post a postive in a couple of my listings.

inkman996 [offline]
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 3

Re: What changes do you want to see happen to this site?


I am appaled site admin where are you?

Turk (RWB) has attacked every single thread by danlilsade today every one, all day!

He doesnt even know this man, a person that I know to be an honest and respectable broker in this industry. WTF

People dont see this and still support RWB?

You cant make this **** up you just cant.

This is for Preston, you are aligning yourself with a bad bad dude, he will use you and drop you.

This site has gone to hell when an honest broker has to have every classified post he makes attacked by another sad so sad.

Seritech Inc.
