2011 Kornit Thunder 932-6 with Adelco 4 drawer Dryer

Green Bay United States

$55,000 - Package Deal Everything Included

Need to sell our 2011 Kornit Thunder 932-6
with a 4 Drawer Adelco Dryer

Comes with:
Adelco 4 drawer dryer
Adult Platen
Youth Platen (3 sizes)
7 ¼” x 11 ¼”
10” x 11 ¼”
11 ¼” x 12 ¾”
Current Inks all colors
Priming Fluid
Wiping Fluid
Flushing Fluid
installed by Kornit summer 2013
Quick P Rip software

Pictures and video available upon request
...Serious Inquiries ONLY ....email directly to below

email: sales@baypromotions.com

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