By Jake4242 on
Aug. 14, 2017
United States
2014 Tajima TfmxII C1506
Very light use and Clean
3 sets of hoops (12 in a set)
Tubular Arms
Hat Frame
Hat hoops (12)
Removeable Table
Colored Screen, Usb, Network capable.
See it at
There are 5 Comments
Re: 2014 Tajima Tfmx II C1506 Stretch
Lets make a deal on this condition
Re: 2014 Tajima Tfmx II C1506 Stretch
How much
Re: 2014 Tajima Tfmx II C1506 Stretch
Hi, very interested. What's the asking price?
Re: 2014 Tajima Tfmx II C1506 Stretch
how much that machine
Re: 2014 Tajima Tfmx II C1506 Stretch
This machine has been sold. Thank you