2018 M&R Gauntlet 3

Winter Haven United States

2018 Gauntlet 3 14 color. 1,918,505 impressions.
Comes with 3 flashes
2 DX Red chili
1 Red chili
Press is already broken down

Comes with
sleeve pallets
Youth pallets
2 double squeegees
1 roller
M&R Tri lock
2 wash booths
Spot cleaning station
A bunch of screens
Exposure unit
3 smaller screen racks
4 bigger screen racks
Stretching table for roller frames
Epson 4880. Not sure it work. Haven’t use film in years

$105,000 for everything.
Email cbroyles@dcapparelinc.com

Damon McCrystal

DC Apparel, Inc.
3260 Dundee Road
Winter Haven, FL 33884
(863) 325-9273


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