3D embroidery/digitising for caps.

Im looking for tips and tricks on how to digitise 3D (Puff) for caps. I know some of the basics but still not getting it right. Appreciate some of your expert help please.

United States

i do an edge run underlay at abt 1 mm stitch width to help cut the foam.

manual jagged edge running stitches at every 'intersection'

about double the density (not sure what software you're using so can't tell you the measurement)

double zig zag underlay

make sure ends are either capped with a jagged stitch on the inside, or come to a very sharp point.

if its a letter that's outlined, i run the outside first...much wider than normal so it will stitch under the foam

foam won't really puff if the satin stitch is too narrow, and if its too wide, it will pull apart. i'd say between a 3-6/7 mm stitch does the best.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

I have tried a lot of different suggested ways of doing it and only had 1 real successful "method".

I use a single running stitch to tack down the material then use NO underlay at all and crank the satin density up a lot (.15mm spacing in wilcom)

This usually gets a smoother cut/finish than any of the other methods I have tried. The underlay methods always seemed to cause issues where the foam left big chunks instead of fine hairs. as well as underlay loops when the presserfoot compressed the foam. But I don't have a machine with presserfoot control.

Im using Wilcom and Barudan machines.
My method is the same as Itpemb but I Close the ends of the text with a satin stitch before I stitch the text.
The density I have used is 20 but I will try 15 as digidana suggested. Ill be back after I try another job in a couple of weeks.

I tried different variations of your ideas.
The density of 1.5 worked well and cut the foam nicely. 2.00 still allowed bits of foam to stick through.
The double zig-zag underlay did not seem to add any benefit.
Centre run underlay was not bad - but on acute angles (as on "G") the stitches had nothing to "hold on to" and moved to either side, exposing the foam.
Edge-run underlay at .35mm worked well.
I used the Body Builder foam from Madeira and 1 layer of craft foam in the color of the stitching.
I prefer to have the ends of objects come to a point, rather than struggle with closing ends with a satin stitch.
I shall definitely be doing more with this. :)