3D Printing with embroidery.

Robert Young's picture

Quite a few years ago the industry latched on to 3D foam embroidery... then Laser cutting to a smaller degree...and combos of screen and emberoidery, since then Not much has happened, nothing new.

How about 3D printing on fabric to enhance either embroidery or screen? I am doing it for art pieces but found that at .6mm it also can withstand a washing machine for clothing. Not sure about dry cleaning yet. (which isn't "dry" btw) but will test for fun

I got the printer for the friggin dollhouse project's furniture but have been playing with making fabric with it and also embellishing fabric.


Modern Embroidery Designer

Shoot, I have a hard enough time getting my machine to stitch fabric. I would really loose my mind trying to stitch around 3d printing. LOL


Robert Young's picture

have 14 colors of plastic currently.. apparently they do not have the full range yet of a Maderia or Robinson Anton, et al. but hey, the primaries and a white/black etc should still work pretty good. But that being said there are wonderful colors of wood type that are quite fascinating for the Trompe-l'œil items for the dollhouse.


Modern Embroidery Designer