By bheinz on
Jun. 29, 2006
United States
1996 - TMFXC904 4 head 9 needle with wide 17"x17" sewing field and 270 cap frame. All heads recently serviced and lubricated by certified Tajima tech. Excellent condition. Hoops: 8-17" square, 6-19x12.5, 4-11.5" square, 8-4.5" round, 6-cap frames. $14,000K Wilmington NC, 910-371-2125 ask for Bob. Link to picture:
There is 1 Comment
Re: 4 Head Tajima TMFXC904 For Sale
hello I just saw you advertise And I would like to know if you still have the machine ? the condition , and where are exactly located in USA. I am interesting in your machine so I will phone you .