4 month old Anajet Sprint

Albuquerque, NM, United States

I purchased this Anajet Sprint four months ago and have printed less than 400 prints. It is still in excellent condition. Maintenance/cleaning was preformed on it weekly. I brought it to start my own DGT business, but then got a job offer I couldn't refuse. I was going to try continue both, but I don't have the time or enough business. I purchased the package with supplies (heatpress, heatsheets, 8 inks, spray gun) for $18,000. I am willing to part with it for $10,000, not including shipping. I will include the heatpress and pretreatment spray gun and lenovo pc laptop (purchased to for around $400 to run print software). I am located in Albuquerque, New Mexico area. You can contact me eliskabroes@hotmail.com.
Printer is still under warranty for 8 more months.

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