6 Color Rotary T-Shirt Printer

United States

T-Shirt Printer; 6 Color,Four Station,Micro Reg,with Stand 4 Platens,2 Kids PlatensBrand Name CAPS.Price $1475.email; mikeypsl@aol.com:

There are 5 Comments

looked around found out a little..........how good is this press we are a small work out of the garage kinda shop.....using a 4color 4 station Harco.....1914 model or so it seems,but been good machine still is just wanting a 6 color .....could you tell how this thing stands up to other printers

dsparks wrote:
looked around found out a little..........how good is this press we are a small work out of the garage kinda shop.....using a 4color 4 station Harco.....1914 model or so it seems,but been good machine still is just wanting a 6 color .....could you tell how this thing stands up to other printers

Hi, not sure if you have info on printer I can send you info my email; mikeypsl@aol.com