6 color Screen printing set up for sale ($3250)

Buena Park, ca, United States

6 color 2 station press with micro registration.

220v conveyor dryer
With belt speed control

110V Ranar exposure unit

110V 18x18 Black body flash dryer.

619-888-1509 ( call or Text )
(Located in Buena Park, California)

Screen Printing, Screenprinting conveyor dryer, exposure unit, silk screen, heater, harco, ranar, color press, station, T-shirt Conveyor belt dryer, flash dryer, Heat press, Plotter, Vinyl Cutter, color press, tshirt, Exposure unit, silk screening, screen printing, squeegee, press, flash dryer, conveyor dryer, conveyor belt, t-shirt printing, plastisol, emulsion, ryonet, exposure unit, light box, silk screen, screen print, Screen printing, screen, printing, silk screen, silk, screen, textile, ryonet, press, heater, dryer, printer, conveyor, screen printing, large format, imagesetter, flatbed, M&R , anatol, javelin, workhorse, gauntlet , sportsman, schenk, Lawson, Tuf, tas,

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