By impressink on
May. 28, 2012
United States
6/6 Workhorse manual press, EXCELLENT condition and well maintained. Great built quality, all print heads are precision machined cast aluminum with
-tool free
-dial-in off contact.
-Built with large diameter registration knobs that provide super responsive X,Y & Z micro registration and screen angle adjust
Absolutely beautiful and loved piece of equipment. Just got a new set of platen not long ago. Ready to print shirts right away!!
Original priced at over $6000, Asking $3299 or better offer.
Also has a force air flash dryer for just $499 or both for just $3699
Call/text or email today with any reasonable offers -2394649228
There is 1 Comment
Re: 6/6 Screen Printing Press-Lowered price - $3299
Call/text or email today with any reasonable offers -2394649228