6c / 6s with 48" Dryer

United States

Brown 6 color, 6 station Master Printer with a full set of adult platens, 3 youth, two leg, and two sleeve platens, and the 48" Ultra Sierra Dryer with Cooling Station (Single phase 220v).

Less than two years old.

We've already out grown them and moved to an auto and 72" gas dryer.

$8000 for both


There are 4 Comments


Where is the equipment located? Can the dryer work with water based ink? Can you please email me pictures at bradforddk@aol.com? Are you throwing in anthy else like frames? Are the machines clean and work good?


Located in TN

This equipment is less than 2 years old and is in excellent condition

Now issues with waterbase.

I can throw in 10 screens.
