6x4 Manual Press

Hartford, CT, United States

Printa 770 Series, 6 color 4 station
In great condition. Perfect start up package.

Also includes:
Printa 770 Series Flash Dryer,
8 Pallets with neck - 4 standard size/ 4 kids size
1 leg/arm board.
10 squeegees
10 screens (110,156,230)
1 gallon of SVP Hybrid Emulsion with 15' emulsion scoop coater


There are 8 Comments

are you interested in selling the squeegees, screens and scoop coater? I'll buy asap. Just thought I'd ask...thanks!

It has a micro reg system that requires a certain type of screen only Printa makes...we no longer have those screens but they can still be purchased from the Printa.

On the other hand it holds registration very well, we have printed hundreds of multi color prints on this machine.