93 M&R 8 color 10 station Challenger

Buena Park, ca, United States

Reconditioned 93 M&R 8 color 10 station Challenger

Inspected and Reconditioned by certified M&R technicians
All parts inspected and running
New print chopper cylinders
8 new printing Mac valves
New air fittings
Has quick release for platens
Has airlocks
Has input for shirt detector
Flip up heads for easy screen insert
Comes with a full set of platens, squiggies, flood bars , and clamps

Video: https://youtu.be/O-j_3R-v9X4
crating ( add $300)
Will ship. buyer pays shipping
619-888-1509 (call or text )
(Located in Buena Park, Ca )

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